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Some of the non-descriptive text used in the adventure blogs have different syntaxes. Here is a description of how they are generally used. Here's also a description how ChatGPT is used as part of the story writing.


Combat in Koordhur-blog is done using dice rolling and adding ChatGPT-generated descriptions of the actions happening based on the dice rolls.

The initiation of combat always states that the encounter begins, and then the participants to that encounter with links to the DnD Beyond page of that monster/NPC.

Encounter starts: Goblin, 2 Owlbears

After this, the combatants roll for initiative. The rolls and the bonuses are marked, and then the actual order is written for clarity.

[Initiative rolls: Nida 11+2, Lorett 19+3, Seraphina 3+0, Goblin 15+2, Owlbears 3+1]

[Order: Lorett, Goblin, Nida, Owlbears, Seraphina]

All the same types of monsters act on the same initiative number. If two initiative rolls are the same, the one with the higher Dexterity acts before the other. Otherwise, they act simultaneously.

The syntax of actions on a turn is clarified using bracketed text. Using abilities and spells are described where applicable. Attack rolls and required saving throws are described. The damage rolls and damage types are described.


[To hit: Longbow 12+5 vs. Goblin AC 15: Hit]

[Damage 1d8+3 Piercing: 5+3]


[Seraphina casts Sacred Flame at Owlbear A]
[Dexterity saving
throw DC13: Owlbear 19+1: Success]

If the rolls have an advantage or disadvantage, it is marked as ADV/DIS. The reason for it is marked in brackets. The rolls are divided with a slash to represent both rolls. If the roll is at a disadvantage, the lower is chosen. If the roll is at an advantage, the higher is chosen.



[Nida goes into Rage]

[To hit DIS (long range): Javelin 17/20+5 vs. Owlbear A AC 13: Hit]
[Damage: 1d6+3 Piercing (+2 from Rage): 3+3+2]

If an action is a reaction, it is shown after the character's name. If there are multiple types of damage, they are presented in the brackets. If there are effects such as resistance, it is stated in the damage row.

Goblin (reaction)

[To hit: Scimitar 13+4 vs. Nida AC 14: Hit]

[Damage: 1d6+2 Piercing: 3+2 (Halved due to Rage)]

Combatant has their turn in initiative order and can act based on the rules of DnD 5E, with the following clarifications:

  • Moving up to character speed, broken up as desired

  • Action including one of the following: Attack, Cast spell, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Ready, Search, or Use an object (with minor exceptions)

  • Bonus action consisting of a 2nd attack or else specified by spell or ability​

  • A minor interaction. Here are a few examples:

    • Draw or sheath a sword​

    • Withdraw an object from the backpack

    • Take an item from a table

    • Stuff food into your mouth

    • Fish a few coins from your purse

    • Pull a lever or flick a switch

    • Take a book or scroll from a shelf

    • Don a mask

    • Put your ear to the door

    • Open or close a door

    • Pick up a dropped weapon

    • Drink a flagon of ale

    • Kick a small stone

    • etc.

After the combat has ended, the group goes out of initiative order, and actions are described as per normal storytelling. For the defeated monsters in the encounter, characters earn experience. The total experience is divided between the characters and rounded up. If the party flees the combat, they aren't awarded XP for the monsters remaining.

Encounter ends.

[Experience gained 40xp per character.]



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