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NOTE: Site under construction.
The adventure is on, however!

Welcome to the world of Koordhur

I am Pekka Marjamäki, and I play DnD 5E in solo mode. This blog is a story of an adventuring party traveling the world of Koordhur. Each blog post presents some part of the adventure; after each blog post, the characters and the world are fleshed out.


I use The Solo Adventurers Toolbox as a DM substitute and help me create the world. The world is described in the World tab of this blog. The world is built as the story progresses, but there will be some main features decided in the beginning.


The characters are created in DnD Beyond but are fleshed out in the Characters tab. The characters have backgrounds, motives, feelings, etc. that affect their choices in the adventures.


The mechanics of the game are basic DnD 5E rules with the addition of the Solo Adventurers Toolbox, DnD Beyond, ChatGPT, and "opinion dice". In the blog, I will describe the mechanics of a situation if it feels relevant to the story.


Have fun reading the blog, and please comment on any ideas about how the story should continue or how the characters could have behaved differently. This might also help flesh out the character as they might regret their choices.


The Solo Adventurers Toolbox: The toolbox offers random tables where you roll a dice for results. It also acts as an oracle to see whether an action is successful, do things happen to which the characters have no influence, or the actions of NPC. It also offers tables to decide if there are encounters. It is also the tool to create prompts for ChatGPT in various situations.


DnD Beyond: DnD Beyond is used to track characters and their progress. Most of the NPCs and monsters are drawn from DnD Beyond or a custom creature, item, etc. is made.


Decision checks: A colored D6 for each character. All characters roll their dice and compare the results to the "character in charge". They concur in their decision if their dice roll is near the in-charge-dice. If the results are, for example, 1 and 6, there will be some differences in opinion on how to handle the situation.


ChatGPT: ChatGPT is given prompts to generate dialogue for NPCs and descriptions of the party's surroundings. The answers can be modified slightly to fit the story, but the overall arc of the story can be affected by the results of the ChatGPT answers.


WomboAll graphics are generated using Wombo's AI. They are done using prompts from the story and reference pictures.

Game mechanics choises

There are some minor changes in the combat system and character progression

In combat, a character might suffer a "lingering injury" if a critical hit drops it to 0 hitpoints. The lingering injury is determined based on context.


Whenever a character is dropped to 0 hitpoints and fails a saving throw at least once, it suffers a level of exhaustion.


A character can take alternative class features instead of normal. Character max hit points are always the maximum allowed. Characters have one additional feat at the beginning of the adventure.


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